SHOPPING in a clothes shop

A short dialogue beetween a salesman (s) and a customer (c).
Who says what?   Write  «s»  or  «c»  into the first gaps and
complete the following sentences/questions. No abbreviations!

(01)   :      you being served?
(02)   :      can I do for you?
(03)   :     Have you  this T-shirt in red?
(04)   :     Yes, what size  you want?
(05)   :     I  size 40.
(06)   :     Here you  .
(07)   :     This dress would  you very well.
(08)   :     Would you like to try it  ?
(09)   :     Where can I  it on?
(10)   :     The changing  is over there.
(11)   :     The dress  not suit me.
(12)   :      about another colour?
(13)   :     How  is it?
(14)   :     That  80 Euros altogether.
(15)   :     This  not too expensive.
(16)   :      is the cash desk?
(17)   :     Credit  or cash?
(18)   :     Here is  change and the receipt.

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